K Kat

Brewin' with Brandi: Red Cool a la GIGA 5 Recipe

Jul 18, 2013 · Legacy
Brewin' with Brandi: Red Cool a la GIGA 5 Recipe

If there's one word that we can use to describe many of the recipes integrated into Jura's GIGA 5, it's interesting. Many of them include the combination of ingredients that we wouldn't have previously considered, but actually end up tasting quite nice. Case in point: the Red Cool, which is a variation of the White Cool we crafted awhile ago. Watch as Brandi let's the Giga do the heavy lifting to create this refreshing drink.


  • 4 teaspoons Campari
  • 1.5 oz espresso
  • ice
  • carbonated lemonade


Fill your serving glass with ice. Pour the Campari over the ice and then fill the glass with carbonated lemonade about 2/3 of the way. Pull your shot of espresso and pour it over the lemonade to create a layered look. Serve with two straws so that you can mix everything together before enjoying.

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